Joan Miro Constellations (1959)
Showing 22 results
Showing 22 results for "Joan Miro Constellations (1959)"
- Joan Miro (after) Le Lever du soleil (Sunrise), Plate IJoan Miro (after), Le Lever du soleil (Sunrise), Plate I, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" Image Size Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) L'echelle de l'evasion (The Escape Ladder), Plate IIJoan Miro (after), L'echelle de l'evasion (The Escape Ladder), Plate II, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro Personnages dans la nuit guides par les traces phosphorescentes des escargots (People at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Trails of Snails), Plate IIIJoan Miro (after), Personnages dans la nuit guides par les traces phosphorescentes des escargots (People at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Trails of Snails), Plate III, 1959 Constellations ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Femmes sur la plage (Women on the Beach), Plate IVJoan Miro (after), Femmes sur la plage (Women on the Beach), Plate IV, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Femme a la blonde aisselle coiffant sa chevelure a la lueur des etoiles (Woman with Blond Armpit Combing her Hair by the Light of the Stars), Plate VJoan Miro (after), Femme a la blonde aisselle coiffant sa chevelure a la lueur des etoiles (Woman with Blond Armpit Combing her Hair by the Light of the Stars), Plate V, 1959 Constellations ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) L'etoile mantinale (Morning Star), Plate VIJoan Miro (after), L'etoile mantinale (Morning Star), Plate VI, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" Image ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Personnage blesse (Wounded personage), Plate VIIJoan Miro (after), Personnage blesse (Wounded personage), Plate VII, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 19 1/4" x 22 1/4" Framed Size, ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Femme et oiseaux (Woman and Birds), Plate VIIIJoan Miro (after), Femme et oiseaux (Woman and Birds), Plate VIII, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Femme dans la nuit (Woman in the Night), Plate IXJoan Miro (after), Femme dans la nuit (Woman in the Night), Plate IX, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 22 1/4" x 19 1/4" Framed Size, ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Danseuses acrobates (Acrobatic Dancers), Plate XJoan Miro (after), Danseuses acrobates (Acrobatic Dancers), Plate X, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Le chant du rossignol a minuit et la pluie matinale (The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain), Plate XIJoan Miro (after), Le chant du rossignol a minuit et la pluie matinale (The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain), Plate XI, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Le 13 l'echelle a frole le firmament (On the 13th the Ladder Brushed the Firmament), Plate XIIJoan Miro (after), Le 13 l'echelle a frole le firmament (On the 13th the Ladder Brushed the Firmament), Plate XII, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) La Poetesse (The Poetess), Plate XIIIJoan Miro (after), La Poetesse (The Poetess), Plate XIII, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" Image Size Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Le reveil au petit jour (Awakening in the Early Morning), Plate XIVJoan Miro (after), Le reveil au petit jour (Awakening in the Early Morning), Plate XIV, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD
- Joan Miro (after) Vers l'arc-en-ciel (Toward the Rainbow), Plate XVJoan Miro (after), Vers l'arc-en-ciel (Toward the Rainbow), Plate XV, 1959 Constellations Portfolio, (Cramer No. 58), 1959, Unsigned, Original pochoir, Edition 350, 14” x 17" Sheet Size, 14” x 17" ... Joan Miro (after)SOLD